
Δημοσιεύσεις των μελών του Εργαστηρίου Επιχειρηματικής Πληροφορικής ανά έτος:


Douglas, E. J., Salavou, H. E., & Mamakou, X. J. (2024). A social milieu perspective of parental influence on adolescents’ entrepreneurial and employment intentionsSmall Business Economics, 1-36.

Mamakou, X. J., Cohen, S., & Manolopoulos, D. (2024). Post-implementation evaluation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems: an internal auditors’ perspectiveJournal of Systems and Information Technology26(3), 363-394.

Mamakou, X.J. & Manaras M-A. (2024). From data to success: The interplay between business analytics, individual net benefits, and firm performance, Procedia Computer Science, 237, 568-575.


Mamakou, X. J., & Cohen, S. (2023). Understanding E-Government Services Usage Continuance: The Role of Service Quality and Habit. Information Systems Management, 1-20. 

Mamakou, X. J., Zaharias, P., & Milesi, M. (2023). Measuring customer satisfaction in electronic commerce: the impact of e-service quality and user experience. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 41(3), 915-943.  

Salavou, H., Mamakou, X.J., & Douglas, E. J. (2023). Entrepreneurial intention in adolescents: The impact of psychological capital. Journal of Business Research, 164, 114017. 

Mamakou, X.J. (2023). Intentions to continue using agile methods: The case of the Greek banking sector. Journal of Systems and Software, 111685.


Cohen, S., Rossi F.M., Mamakou, X.J., Brusca, I. (2002). Accounting information presented with infographics: Does it improve citizens' accounting understandability?. Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, 34 (6), 263-295

Mamakou, X. J., & Roumeliotou, K. P. (2022). Evaluating the Electronic Service Quality of E-Shops Using AHP-TOPSIS: The Case of Greek Coffee Chains During the COVID-19 LockdownJournal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (JECO)20(1), 1-17.

Manolopoulos, D., Peitzika, E., Mamakou, X. J., & Myloni, B. (2022). Psychological and formal employment contracts, workplace attitudes and employees’ turnover intentions: Causal and boundary inferences in the hotel industryJournal of Hospitality and Tourism Management51, 289-302.

Salavou, H. & Mamakoum X.J. Adolescent pathways to entrepreneurship career choice. A configurational approach in the quest of entrepreneurial intentions. The European Academy of Management Conference, EURAM 2022, 15-17 June 2022.


Τρούλη Εμ. (2021). Εξωσυμβατική ευθύνη στο πλαίσιο της Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης: Ο μακρύς δρόμος για τα υπό διαμόρφωση νομοθετικά εργαλεία της ΕΕ, Τιμητικός Τόμος Δημητρίου Μανιώτη.

Mamakou, X. J., & Roumeliotou, K. P. (2021). E-shops evaluation during COVID-19 lockdown using ES-qual and AHP-topsis. In 14th IADIS International Conference Information Systems 2021 (pp. 3-10).

Manolopoulos, D., Söderquist, K. E., & Mamakou, X. J. (2021). Performance Impacts of Innovation Outcomes in Entrepreneurial New Ventures. Entrepreneurship Research Journal.


Komninos, A., & Truli, E. N. (2020). FIDE XXIX Hague Congress 2020, EU Competition Law and the Digital Economy, National Report, Greece. (September 1, 2019).


Mamakou, X. J., Kardaras, D. K., & Papathanassiou, E. A. (2018). Evaluation of websites’ compliance to legal and ethical guidelines: A fuzzy logic–based methodology. Journal of Information Science44(4), 425-442.


Cohen, S., Mamakou, X. J., & Karatzimas, S. (2017). IT-enhanced popular reports: Analyzing citizen preferences. Government Information Quarterly34(2), 283-295.


Kardaras D.K., Karakostas B. and Mamakou X. “Content presentation personalisation and media adaptation in tourism web sites using Fuzzy Delphi Method and Fuzzy Cognitive Maps”, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 40, Issue 6, May 2013, pp. 2331-2342, ISSN 0957-4174. (ABS 3, 5-year IF: 2.45)

Kardaras, Dimitris K., et al. "An Approach to Hotel Services Dynamic Pricing Based on the Delphi Method and Fuzzy Cognitive Maps." IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations, 2013. pp. 557-566, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Kardaras, Dimitris K., Xenia J. Mamakou, and Bill Karakostas. "Fuzzy Equivalence Relation Based Clustering and Its Use to Restructuring Websites’ Hyperlinks and Web Pages." IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations, 2013. pp. 52-60, Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 

Καρδαράς Δ. Κ., Μαμάκου Ξ., Στρατάρα Α., “Τα online social media στην «υπηρεσία» των ξενοδοχείων”, Χρήμα και Τουρισμός, Ιανουάριος 2013, σελ. 45-46.